Investing in UMass Amherst Innovation
Maroon Venture Partners Fund II, LP is a for-profit venture fund that invests in early stage companies linked to UMass Amherst. Our investments are typically in the range of $100,000 to $300,000 and are often a venture’s initial outside equity funding. We look for companies that can use our funds to accomplish significant milestones toward commercial success. Our broader goal is to foster the growing spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship throughout the UMass Amherst community. The Fund is a successor to Maroon Venture Partners Fund I, LP.
What is Our Investment Process?
Companies seeking funding should submit an application that enables us to make an initial evaluation of whether we might be a good fit. After that screening, selected companies are invited to present their plan to our investment committee for their consideration.
How to Invest in the Fund?
The Fund was launched in January 2024 and remains open for additional investments.
How Can I Help?
The Fund appreciates referrals of promising UMass Amherst-linked companies and also looks to alumni and friends of the university to serve as mentors and industry experts for its portfolio companies.